Welcome Page

Welcome to the Summer 2007 version of Foundations of Special Education. This wiki will be used to develop our discussions about special education, including a discussion about definitions, legal issues, technology, and the role of special education and exceptional individuals in the education in general and in classrooms specifically.

To earn credit for the course, you'll have to be registered at American University. Go to http://www.american.edu/distanceed/registration.html to learn how. The tuition is not nearly enough to cover the actual value of this experience, so sign up quick!

Be sure to check out the Wikicourse description and the forums to discuss the issues, and learn about how the course will be conducted.

Feel free to email me at ude.nacirema|haras#ude.nacirema|haras if you want to learn more about joining the course.

Course Evaluations: All students registered in the course are encouraged to go to my.american.edu and complete the online course evaluations. I appreciate your feedback!

Check the updates and announcements page for current info about the course.

You will no longer be able to post on the discussion board or create wikipedian assignments after Friday, August 3rd at noon. At that time you must have submitted all of your papers directly to ude.nacirema|haras#ude.nacirema|haras and completed the course.